Sorry. :)
I get so caught up in "relaxing" in the evenings after the girls go to bed that I don't post on here very often. I'm seeing a pattern though, that's for sure. Lots of posting, then no posting, then I feel bad, so I post a lot again, and the circle continues.
We've been busy I guess since Spring Break. We've been spending a great deal of time outside in the yard, getting it ready for the spring and summer plantings. Adam's been working like crazy and we've accomplished quite a bit.
With all the digging in the yard, Alaina has learned that she LOVES worms. She tries to keep them - she quickly learned that keeping worms in potted soil makes them die, so that ended quickly. Cami just throws them (literally) back into the dirt when she's had her fill. 
Adam ran the Mini Marathon again this year. (I opted out because I learned last year that I'm a very poor runner and that my knees hate me for running.) He beat his time by more than 11 minutes! He ran 13.1 miles in under 1:51. Pretty impressive. The girls and I had fun waiting for him near the end to cheer him on the last 1/4 mile. Here's the unimpressive (and only) picture I took (I can't get Blogger to post it the right way).
This past weekend was Alaina's Spring Ballet Concert. It was sweet - she did a great job. (She just loves ballet.) We had quite the section with me, Adam, Cami, Nana, Papa, Uncle Kevin, Grandma, Aunt Jenn, Vanessa, Aunt Clea (Jenn's mom) and Grandpa and Grandma. We cheered loudly for her! :) (she's on the far left below)
Alaina is nearing the end of kindergarten - just 2 more weeks of school left. Can you believe it?!?! She's going to be in FIRST grade! Craziness I tell you.
And Cami - she turns TWO in 1 month and 2 days. Sorry no pictures of her - I haven't been very good at taking pictures lately unless it's an "event". She is doing good on potty training though - she's still in pull-ups, but making it through awake times with just 1-2 times per day of wetting in the pull-up. She doesn't like wearing panties, which is weird to me, since they HAVE to be more comfortable than pull-ups, but she always says "no" to them. We'll keep trying. I think it's the only thing that'll get her dry all the time. We had to do the same thing with Alaina. I sure am happy not changing as many diapers!!
And she's talking much more - still struggling with complete words, leaving consonants off the beginning or end. But I'm also comparing her to Alaina, who spoke very quickly at a very early age. Cami is putting more words together though and I can almost always understand what she's saying at least.
Well, off to watch American Idol. I think Syesha's getting kicked off tonight, so I must go see! :) You know, the night Alaina was born Kelly Clarkson and that other guy with the afro were singing in the finals. It was turned on right after Alaina was pushed out. I have a sweet spot for the show. :)