Sunday, February 27, 2011

And there he rolls!

Luke has rolled over several times in his crib.  But we've never seen it!  So we were pretty excited to actually see him roll over on Thursday for the first time.  And now he won't stop.  Every time I put him on his stomach to play, he rolls over within minutes. 

Adam took the girls to the symphony this afternoon for a family series performance called The Classical Clown. They were really excited - we haven't taken them to the symphony since the Yuletide performance before Christmas.  It's a beautiful day today, so the girls were equally excited to not have to wear coats when they left. :)

All is going well with us.  Cami is preparing for kindergarten in the fall, having recently had her enrollment assessment and observation.  She's pretty stoked.  Nothing else big is happening right now. 

I'll take it.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Through the ice and snow we go!

It has been a crazy winter here in Indy. We are starting to thaw (thanks to some welcomed warm weather!) from 2 inches of ice that fell Feb. 1 & 2 and the subsequent 3+ inches of snow three days later. The girls had 4 days of school cancelled that left us together, stuck inside, for WAY too long. The girls did have a great time "ice skating" in the backyard at least once a day. And since Adam loves being outside in the ice and snow with the girls, they had fun playing together.

When we could finally get out of the ice, we headed to the Children's Museum for the Barbie runway and the new Dora and Deigo exhibit.

Luke is 3 months old and is so fun to be with right now.  Which is good, since he still prefers me over anyone else. He's just so darn cute.
He has rolled over twice - in his bed in the middle of the night. I haven't seen any interest from him in rolling over during waking hours, so this is a mystery to me. I think he must be pushing off the side of his crib with his foot. Or he's using his Baby Jedi powers.  One of the two. :)

It is supposed to be 62 degrees here tomorrow.  I'm hoping for a trip to the zoo.  Cami needs to run off some energy and I need to breathe some fresh, warm air!