Adam has uploaded pictures from Cami's birthday and Myrtle Beach to:
Days in the REAL White House with Alaina, Cameran and Lucas are much more eventful than those in the one in D.C.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Busy May and June!
May was a fun month, leading into a crazy month of June! Adam ran in his 3rd Mini-Marathon. Alaina had her Spring Recital for ballet. And Cami, well, Cami enjoyed the last month of being two, with GREAT anticipation of turning three! Here are some pictures from the month of May:
Adam near the finish line!
Sisters playing in the playset
Alaina before her recital (as a caterpillar)
Cami dancing and waiting for Alaina's parade during Spring Fling at The Oaks Academy
June brought some big events: Alaina's last day of 1st grade, Cami's 3rd birthday, and our annual trip to Myrtle Beach. Here are some pics to enjoy:
Cami's party and hippo cake!
Cami on her birthday
Myrtle Beach pictures!

We are looking forward to the remainder of the summer. We have our annual trip to the farm to see our friends the Hern's and some weekend trips to Michigan and Chicago that we are truly looking forward to. I'll have Adam upload more Myrtle Beach pictures to his picture sharing website and will update you when that's completed.
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