Wow - I can't believe it, but summer is here! Alaina has completed KINDERGARTEN (!) and will be moving on to first grade in the fall. But before school was over, she had "Spring Fling" - a celebration of the year in her class. The entire school (pre-K to 8th grade) participated in a parade...
and then we moved into the classrooms. It was really nice to see all the things the kids prepared for us, including nursery rhyme skits (Alaina and Brant did "Little Miss Muffet")...
and songs sung in class...
Cami is doing great being a "big girl" - she's transitioning into panties and doing well. Isn't she cute? :)
She's also becoming quite the dancer - she has a big sister to keep up with, ya know?! She has started moving her hips while dancing now and it's the cutest darn thing!
Alaina is still fascinated with the outdoors - and insects! She found this caterpillar this weekend, which both of the girls were enamored with for the entire afternoon and evening!
Alaina has now been out of school for over a week and she's attending a summer camp each week for 4 weeks. She's having a blast! She really enjoys the time there, which makes it easier on me. I want her to feel like she has a summer vacation from school, but with working parents, that's hard without spending boatloads of money on pricey camps.
I have 3 weeks off in July, so we'll be spending some fun time together, just us girls, for those days. Alaina will be in a ballet camp for 2 of those weeks, though only for 4 hours/day, so we're excited to sleep in and slowly get ready those 3 weeks and head to the pool each afternoon when the weather cooperates. There's a GREAT public pool about 6 blocks from our house that a ton of people from our "community" go to almost each day. It'll only cost me and the girls $3/day to go! So I'm definitely looking forward to those fun afternoons in the water.
We're hoping to make it there tomorrow for a trial run. :)