Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Another milestone!

Tonight, Alaina learned how to ride a bike! We've been trying to get her to learn all summer. Finally, after hearing that her and another friend were the only two in their first grade class who didn't know how (and seeing Toby in action at the park today), it lit a fire.

So we hopped in the car with the bikes (of course we had to bring Cami's too!) and headed to the parking lot at the school I work at. After about 10 minutes of total frustration with Alaina's normal lack of confidence and desire to really try, I told her we were leaving and that I was disappointed in how easily she was giving up.

That did it. She decided she wanted to stay and try harder. And what do you know, she got it 5 minutes later!

I can't believe she's big enough to ride a bike without training wheels!

(I don't have pictures or video because we've done this so many times that we really didn't think she'd do it. I know, bad parents, but we didn't bring the camera because we didn't really think it would happen! So we'll take some pictures the next time we promise!)


  1. Well it's about time you posted! Did you notice that the last time you posted was in July???? What is up with that? Yeah for Alaina! What a big girl! Now what else has been going on?

  2. YAHOO, alaina! i saw your facebook update, katie, and thought, "this must be on the white house blog!" fabulous!
