Thursday, November 20, 2008

almost traumatic

today i saw cami's short little life flash before me.

i'm still weak and shaking.

we were leaving the hair salon from alaina getting her hair cut. cami was the first out the door - i stayed to hold the door for alaina and saw out of the corner of my eye cami start running.

i automatically yelled "cami! stop!" and started running after her. she was running - no, sprinting - out onto delaware st. delaware is the street we live on. it's also one of the main exits north out of downtown at rush hour. it was now 4pm.

i was able to grab cami about 1/2 way into the street, but lost my balance while trying to grab her and fell - making her hit her head on the cement street.

as i sat in the middle of the street staring south to make sure no cars were coming, the women ran from the salon to help as well as another who had JUST parked her car on the street to go to the salon. they helped me up with cami and ushered me to the sidewalk.

i still see her getting smacked by a car racing home at 4pm to beat rush hour. i see her laying in the street.

it's crazy how quickly life can be taken.

it will be a long time before i will forget this. seeing her run so quickly into the street and being totally unable to help her in time. it was a chilling site.

i'm so thankful god was protecting her.


  1. Oh Katie! I can only imgaine how you felt at that moment. I am so glad that nothing happened to Cami. Thanks goodness!
