Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ahhh... Spring. Finally.

I wasn't sure we'd actually make it to Spring. Being couped up with a newborn all winter was hard on me.  And therefore hard on the rest of the family. But Spring has arrived and I feel blessed by this warm weather.

We started Spring Break off by taking a trip to Evansville with my dad (sans Adam). We had a wonderful time visiting my grandma (aka "Super Grandma" to the kids) and lots of other family members as well. 
Lucas was enamored with my grandma and completely fell in love with her (it's impossible not to!).
And the girls, well, they found love in Uncle George.

The girls went back to Ft. Wayne after Evansville for a quick visit with Adam's mom. Then returned to Indianapolis to find snow on their first full day back. So we stayed inside and made crowns. :)

Adam took a couple days off at the end of the week. We went rock wall climbing, but forgot the camera. This is something Alaina loves to do so she was climbing the whole time having a blast. Cami climbed twice in a harness and a few times across some pegged walls, but that was it. She had a great time cheering for Alaina though!

We all went ice skating, which was a trip! Alaina really enjoyed herself and skated for a good 1.5 hours, finally getting the hang of it about 1/2 way in.
Cami on the other hand, skated twice. But she had a great time being there, which is all that matters I guess.

The weather was beautiful over the weekend. The girls have been asking for weeks to play outside in their bathing suits with the hose, so I finally gave in. They played for probably two hours!

Baby Jedi is now 5 months old and it seems like he's growing overnight! He has found his hands, toes and tongue, which is always sticking out. :)
Luke is very active. He's always moving his arms and legs, so we got out the Johnny Jumper for him to try out, which was a huge hit! Our doorways are too high though to use it anywhere but in the bathroom by the kitchen. When he's bigger and weighs more, we'll be able to move it so he's not stuck in the bathroom door. :)
I was planning to introduce Luke to solid foods when he turned 6 months old, since those are the new pediatric recommendations.  But he kept trying to grab food out of my hand and was intentently watching each and every bite I would put in my mouth at every meal. So I thought I'd try some cereal to see if he was ready.  Holy cow, that boy ate the cereal like it was second nature! No sour faces, no spitting it out. So he started eating some solid foods a couple weeks ago and is now enjoying brown rice cereal, smashed bananas and avocados and applesauce. The kid LOVES to eat real food! (pardon my hand in the video below) 

I'm happy we chose to have another child. Baby Jedi's pretty cool.

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