Friday, May 27, 2011

Busy busy!

The last 2 weeks have been eventful, so I thought I'd get a quick update in so the next post isn't so long. :)

Luke weighed in at 15 pounds at his 6 month well-child visit.  That puts him in almost the 15th percentile. He has started talking more, making sounds as opposed to just humming and grunting. :) He started saying "ma ma" which of course has made me happy. Too bad he doesn't know what he's saying still!

Cami graduated from preschool on Wednesday last week. It was fun to see her sing "Jesus Loves Me" and do sign language with the song. She really had a great year of preschool and she loved her teachers and new friends.
Alaina's annual Spring Fling was on the following Friday. The entire school has a parade, dressing up in costumes from something they studied during the year. Alaina's class dressed up as Romans.
After the parade, we went back to Alaina's classroom for a play about Caesar's killing. The kids did a great job and Alaina was quite dramatic, taking advantage of her part to claim the spotlight.

We left the Spring Fling and drove to Pokagon State Park to go camping with three other families for the weekend. We all squeezed into our tent (blow up mattress, 2 sleeping bags and the pack-n-play!) and had a great time.
Our good friends let us borrow their back-pack for Luke and it was a lifesaver while hiking!
There's a beach on Lake James that is part of Pokagon. It was an amazing afternoon so the kids took advantage of the water!
Right when we got back from the beach, it started raining. And got cold. It was nuts. It proceeded to rain until about 8:30 that night, but then cleared up and left the adults a great night at the campfire.
Alaina's last day of school is next Thursday June 2nd. We're so excited about this summer and the plans we have - Myrtle Beach, Nana Camp, Grandma Camp and other little camps and VBS outings, as well as the pool!

I think I'll have some Baby Jedi teeth to report in a couple of weeks. We're getting close!

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