I mentioned in my last post that Luke had just started pushing from his stomach to a sitting position. The first time he did that was on Saturday, June 25th. The day I posted the last post, he started crawling (after I posted of course!) and two days later, on Saturday July 2nd, Adam went to get him from his crib and he was standing up in it! So in 8 days he reached three big milestones. Now he's crawling everywhere...
Pulling up on everything...
And even climbing. (This is of him tumbling down after he crawled up.)
Luke also got his first tooth! And three more! His first tooth (up top) came in on Wednesday, July 13th and in the next 5 days he proceeded to get three more. So he now has his two top and bottom teeth. If you look closely you can see his top teeth in this picture.
We sure are lovin' this boy.
Your Dad and I always said, when you and Adam were getting serious, that you 2 would make beautiful babies someday!