Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Some quick pictures...

Here are a few current pictures of the girls.

Luckily, I was able to get to this tonight. Around 7pm, I was nervous I'd be in the ER with Cameran all night! She thinks she can stand and walk by herself (seriously) but she's far from being able to. Well, tonight she just let go of the couch and fell flat on her face on the hardwoods, putting her top teeth through her bottom lip and her bottom teeth through the top of her mouth. Seriously, outside of giving birth, I don't think I've seen so much blood that close!!! Our friend, Gil, is a pediatrician and he told me tonight that the mouth is a very healing, blood filled place - don't we know now!!!

She's fine - just some stray skin hanging from the top of her mouth and a fat lip. Once I stopped wiping her mouth out, she was actually in great spirits again, trying to get down to the floor to walk again. I'm telling you, this girl just doesn't stop... I wonder who she gets that from...

The girls are so great together. It's fun to see them really connecting, playing and enjoying each other. The picture to the left was the girls' first time playing on the trampoline together. Their hair was standing straight up!

We have a park just 2 blocks from our house that we walk to a TON on nice days. Last week Cami got her first try at the baby swing - as you can see she loved it!

One more picture of the girls at the park and then I'm done for awhile!
This back to work thing is hard - severance was much more fun! :) Getting paid to be at home with the girls - ah, the good old days...

1 comment:

  1. Ok, the tooth story made me cringe! Glad to hear that Cami is ok...poor little thing! The pictures of the girls together are great!
