Days in the REAL White House with Alaina, Cameran and Lucas are much more eventful than those in the one in D.C.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Ahhhh! Behind!!!!
Cami's FIRST birthday was almost 2 weeks ago now! Things were a little off because we left for Myrtle Beach for a week on her birthday. Because of that, we had a small party for her in FW the weekend before after Kevin's grad party (yes, he has graduated high school already!!!). It was fun - Cami didn't really like her cake - my dad finally pushed her hand in it and she just looked at it! She tasted a little bit, but was way to tired to really enjoy. She cried more than she ate or smiled. BUT, on her birthday in the hotel in Hendersonville, NC, Cami chowed on not only my piece of her birthday cake, but my mom's also! Mmmmm, icing.....
I'm at work right now and don't have the ability to post pictures here, but I'll get some pictures up this weekend I promise! I'll also have pictures from our trip to Myrtle Beach too. There are so many great ones - Adam's trying to find a place online where we can store them, but Yahoo doesn't offer that service anymore (which is what he used to use) so now he's searching for another. I'll try to send a link out over email to Shutterfly, but may miss someone!
Looking forward to another fun year with Cameran. Our next birthday is Alaina turning FIVE. Man, time flies....
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Getting sad...
The daycare called me at work on Monday and said that Cami would be transitioning into the Toddler room the last week of June and would be in there for good starting the first of July. Wow - not in the infant room. She'll be in a room with other little KIDS - not babies in bouncies - and napping on a COT - not a crib - and eating meals and snacks at a TABLE on a CHAIR - not a highchair, buckled in. I really swear she was just born and we were just in the hospital taking our family picture right before leaving.
It didn't go this fast with Alaina - I feel like Alaina was a baby for so long. I'm sure part of this is how little Alaina was and how Cami's walking a couple months before Alaina did.
It goes beyond Cami turning one - Alaina will be FIVE in 2 1/2 months. She may be starting kindergarten in the fall. Sniff. Sniff.
I feel like I've lost so much time with my girls by being so busy. Where did it all go? Why didn't I cherish all the little moments Alaina wanted to snuggle with me yesterday instead of telling her I had too much to do? Why didn't I just sit back and delight in Cami's insanely happy quacking instead of smiling and going around her to pick up the books she just pulled down off the shelf?
Part of my sadness, is fear of them getting older. That something will happen to them. That someone will hurt their feelings or make them feel inadequate. That someone will take advantage of their sweetness and love.
I know it will all happen on some scale - it just scares me that I can't protect them from it happening on a larger scale.
I guess that's why I have a God who loves me - and more importantly, who is a PERFECT father to my girls. Who will protect us and will not forsake us. Even if something does happen, it is in God's plan (which is ALWAYS better than mine) and He will see us through it and build us up. He does so EVERY day.
We are a blessed family. And my girls are truly amazing. :)
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Lots to report!!!
We have had a busy couple weeks since my last post. Alaina participated in the Rookie Run - it's a "race" for kids sponsored by the Indy 500 during their month of May events. Since Adam and I ran the Mini, Alaina also wanted to run a race. She was SO excited for her race, counting down the days every day. She had her face painted and then ran 2 blocks for her race. She did GREAT!!! Here are a few pictures of the Rookie Run:
Cami's thoughts...
This weekend was full of fun. Saturday mornings are Alaina's soccer games. She's the youngest and smallest kid on her team. She has an amazing team - they're so good! She'd rather be on a winning team than play a lot I think. :) Here's a picture of her during practice.After soccer, we came home and while I was making lunch, Alaina yelled "Mom! Come here and see Cami!" So I walk in and here she is -
All by herself, she decided she wanted to look outside, so she climbed the mat and up she went.
And sitting on! Cami - didn't enjoy so much...
Preferred Daddy's arms!
One last thought for the night: Alaina went down to the basement after church today to change into play clothes (not sure why she went to the basement rather than her room). Here's the outfit she came up in: My first thought: I don't think those shorts are Alaina's. The more I looked at them, I realized that they weren't Alaina's at all - they were a pair of Cami's capris!!! They were Alaina's when she was a baby (size 12 months!!!) and now of course, are Cami's. But Alaina's little bum fits into them perfectly like they're shorts!!!! Too funny... sharing clothes already...
Love you all!!!