Our annual trip to Myrtle Beach was quite fun this year! Last year, we had to move our trip to the end of July, because Cami was due right around our Myrtle Beach week - Cami was only 6 weeks old when we went last year. She fell asleep the moment we walked outside - EVERY time.
This year, wow. What a difference. Cami started walking easily a week before we left, so she was all over the place! EXCEPT for places with water. When you're staying on the beach
with a pool between the condo and the beach, that means Cami was unhappy quite a bit. We arrived on Sunday, June 17th and she cried - not wimpered - cried, the ENTIRE time she was in or around water if she thought she was going in until Thursday morning. Man, those four days were so frustrating!!!
Thursday morning she was okay. She didn't enjoy being in the water or the sand, but tolerated it. :) I did take her out into the ocean a couple times, and each time (even the time we got completely dunked!) she fell sound asleep in my arms while we were jumping in the waves. She's so funny. She LOVED being inside the condo though and was a hoot to say the least!
Here are some more pictures of the girls and our trip. Those girls sure do love each other... it's pretty cool to see how in to each other they are.
Cami's first morning on the beach (on Nana)
Adam made Alaina into a mermaid at her request!
Cami finally on the beach (look at those legs!!!)
Alaina loved her friend Molly's intertube!
Um, Cami - you just turned ONE, not TWENTY one!
Yea for sisters!!!!
This is an annual picture we take.
Mommy's girls!
Four generations - pretty cool, huh?
The girls and their Uncle Kevin
Our family. Awe. :)
What fun! The pictures are great and it looks like the girls had a blast! I love Cami's legs...Olivia can relate!