Sunday, March 9, 2008

Some cute pictures

Thought I'd share some pictures of the girls over the last 3 weeks.

The girls & I had President's Day off, so it was a fun day at home, just like 5 short months ago before Alaina got into The Oaks for kindergarten!

Here's a sweet picture of Cami - cracker anyone? Or would you prefer some crazy hair? :)
The girls gave me a concert that day as well. They make a pretty awesome girl band, with Cami on vocals and Alaina on the guitar and background vocals.
As only Indiana can provide, we had a beautiful spring day the first of March. Crazy, but it was 65 degrees with a bright shiny sun. It was so nuts - but we LOVED it. We took advantage of the day and played outside for most of the afternoon. We even tried to eat dinner at the picnic table, but by the time dinner rolled around, the sun was setting and the wind picked up, so we headed inside after only about 5 minutes. It was fun trying though!

Alaina climbed her first tree (with some help)...
Cami was reunited with her favorite pasttime in the backyard...
And the girls shared some lovin'...
Cami wasn't so cooperative while I was trying to take pictures. Alaina, of course, was all over it. Here's the best one of her.
We're eagerly awaiting spring. With open arms. I've been ready all winter, so I guess I can wait a few more weeks.


  1. Wow! The girls are really changing! I think Cami looks so grown up in the first picture. I love the hair! And Alaina is looking so mature! Hope to see you guys soon. I want to get Olivia and Cami together so badly! :)

  2. Soooo cute! Springtime in Indiana--what fun! I love those 65 degrees days when things are just starting to bud.

  3. I can't believe how fast Cami is growing up! before you know it she will be in school!
