Thursday, September 16, 2010

Yeah, yeah (this was written in September!)

I know, it's been a LONG time. The summer went by so quickly and we've been busily anticipating this new arrival, that I just don't remember to post! And then there's Facebook, which allows me to quickly upload pics for all to see so easily.

Here is suppposed to be a few pics of the girls' birthdays. (except that I can't get Blogger to actually upload them, so you're not getting any...)

Cami started a new preschool this month. She is in the Turtles class and really enjoys it there. She goes MWF from 9-11:30 and then 2 days each week stays until 3pm and then the other day goes to a friend's house to play for the afternoon. She'll keep up this routine until little man's born and then will just go for the 3 mornings each week. I'll be working very little (and from home) so I'm looking forward to spending more time with her before she heads off to Kindergarten next year. (I know, unbelievable!! And Alaina's in THIRD grade!)

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