Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Really, I tried (written partially in October, and partially on 11/4)

I'm not loving Blogger right now. I can't seem to get pics uploaded in any sort of realistic timeframe. I'm trying one more time. Right. Now.
And look at that. Finally, it worked. But this is the only one you get tonight. I'm not tempting fate.

Today I am 38 weeks pregnant with little man. No, he still doesn't have a name (it's totally overrated in my opinion) which totally shouldn't surprise you. I am discouraged that after a week of regular, increasing in intensity contractions, I have progressed no further than at last week's appointment. Doesn't seem fair to have all these contractions for naught. But I do have 2 weeks left and the doctor today said "At this rate, I'm sure I'll see you at next week's appointment and we'll talk about good dates for induction." She knows just what to say to an uncomfortable, emotional 38 week pregnant woman, huh? :)

I guess we'll use this weekend to buy the remaining little items we need to be fully "boy" stocked, at least for the next few months. I'd rather spend it holding my new little man, but I guess it'll happen all too soon anyways...

Hopefully I'll be able to update before this time next week with bigger and better news about a little guy out in the workd, and his name...

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! I have been waiting for you to update! The girls are beautiful and I cannot wait to see pics of the new baby!
