Days in the REAL White House with Alaina, Cameran and Lucas are much more eventful than those in the one in D.C.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Stuffed Jesus
She said "I want Jesus!"
So of course my response was "Alaina, you have Jesus - in your heart all the time."
Her response: "But I want Jesus in my bed!"
Adam and I laughed until we cried.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
almost traumatic
i'm still weak and shaking.
we were leaving the hair salon from alaina getting her hair cut. cami was the first out the door - i stayed to hold the door for alaina and saw out of the corner of my eye cami start running.
i automatically yelled "cami! stop!" and started running after her. she was running - no, sprinting - out onto delaware st. delaware is the street we live on. it's also one of the main exits north out of downtown at rush hour. it was now 4pm.
i was able to grab cami about 1/2 way into the street, but lost my balance while trying to grab her and fell - making her hit her head on the cement street.
as i sat in the middle of the street staring south to make sure no cars were coming, the women ran from the salon to help as well as another who had JUST parked her car on the street to go to the salon. they helped me up with cami and ushered me to the sidewalk.
i still see her getting smacked by a car racing home at 4pm to beat rush hour. i see her laying in the street.
it's crazy how quickly life can be taken.
it will be a long time before i will forget this. seeing her run so quickly into the street and being totally unable to help her in time. it was a chilling site.
i'm so thankful god was protecting her.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Camping & Halloween!
Adam's cousin Julie and her family were going to spend part of fall break at Brown County State Park camping. So we joined them for a day and night! It was a great time. It was cold, but good fun and exposure for the girls. It has definitely proven to me that it's possible - but would be better with a pop-up camper! :)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Worth mentioning
(nope, Katie's not pregnant)
Cami has now graduated to full-time panties! She has been out of pull-ups for several weeks at nap-time, and staying consistently dry at night-time. Last night she wore panties to bed and woke up dry this morning!
Yea for Cami! :)
It is hard to believe though that my baby is now not a baby at all anymore. They grow up so quickly...
Monday, October 6, 2008
Beautiful weekend
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Obsessed now...
Here are some pictures of our summer too. The girls had a great time, especially for the time Daddy was out of a job from 8/1 through 9/15. They got to spend good quality time with him! (Thankfully, Adam started a new job on Tuesday with the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra as their Controller - don't let him tell you he's playing the recorder.)
Visit from the Woodward's (from Malaysia!)
Annual trip to the farm to say good-bye to the Hern's (this time to Greece!)
Cami's crazy "I'm thinking" face
Alaina at ballet camp
Girls hiking in Holiday Park with Daddy
State Fair
Alaina's first day of 1st grade
Alaina's 6th b-day
Sweet sisters (this day at least!)
Hope you enjoyed the update. I promise it won't be another 2 1/2 months before I write again! :)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Another milestone!
So we hopped in the car with the bikes (of course we had to bring Cami's too!) and headed to the parking lot at the school I work at. After about 10 minutes of total frustration with Alaina's normal lack of confidence and desire to really try, I told her we were leaving and that I was disappointed in how easily she was giving up.
That did it. She decided she wanted to stay and try harder. And what do you know, she got it 5 minutes later!
I can't believe she's big enough to ride a bike without training wheels!
(I don't have pictures or video because we've done this so many times that we really didn't think she'd do it. I know, bad parents, but we didn't bring the camera because we didn't really think it would happen! So we'll take some pictures the next time we promise!)
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
another stage in life
as i was getting out of the car, he was standing at the door saying "i need your help."
ahhh, two...
(i have to say that i left this "note" on a friend's blog, and then realized it really was so cute that i had to share with all of you too. maybe "cute" isn't the best word...)
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Myrtle Beach 2008
alaina asked adam to make her a mermaid...
my bro kevin & his adoring nieces
cami in her bikini
me and cam
alaina going underwater (she did this and swam for the first time this week!)
adam playing in the ocean, doing back-flops into the waves (he's crazy)
with our extended Myrtle Beach family (us + the Moloney's)
alaina and molly
Now back to reality... ugh.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Summer's here
Alaina has now been out of school for over a week and she's attending a summer camp each week for 4 weeks. She's having a blast! She really enjoys the time there, which makes it easier on me. I want her to feel like she has a summer vacation from school, but with working parents, that's hard without spending boatloads of money on pricey camps.
I have 3 weeks off in July, so we'll be spending some fun time together, just us girls, for those days. Alaina will be in a ballet camp for 2 of those weeks, though only for 4 hours/day, so we're excited to sleep in and slowly get ready those 3 weeks and head to the pool each afternoon when the weather cooperates. There's a GREAT public pool about 6 blocks from our house that a ton of people from our "community" go to almost each day. It'll only cost me and the girls $3/day to go! So I'm definitely looking forward to those fun afternoons in the water.
We're hoping to make it there tomorrow for a trial run. :)
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I've neglected you.
Alaina is nearing the end of kindergarten - just 2 more weeks of school left. Can you believe it?!?! She's going to be in FIRST grade! Craziness I tell you.
And Cami - she turns TWO in 1 month and 2 days. Sorry no pictures of her - I haven't been very good at taking pictures lately unless it's an "event". She is doing good on potty training though - she's still in pull-ups, but making it through awake times with just 1-2 times per day of wetting in the pull-up. She doesn't like wearing panties, which is weird to me, since they HAVE to be more comfortable than pull-ups, but she always says "no" to them. We'll keep trying. I think it's the only thing that'll get her dry all the time. We had to do the same thing with Alaina. I sure am happy not changing as many diapers!!
And she's talking much more - still struggling with complete words, leaving consonants off the beginning or end. But I'm also comparing her to Alaina, who spoke very quickly at a very early age. Cami is putting more words together though and I can almost always understand what she's saying at least.
Well, off to watch American Idol. I think Syesha's getting kicked off tonight, so I must go see! :) You know, the night Alaina was born Kelly Clarkson and that other guy with the afro were singing in the finals. It was turned on right after Alaina was pushed out. I have a sweet spot for the show. :)